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Stange Law Firm

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It may seem amusing until the cops get called in

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Fathers’ Rights on Thursday, February 4, 2016. It probably happens thousands of time a day across the nation. A parent takes a child’s cellphone away due to some transgression. While cellphones have become embedded in the culture and society, a child’s possession of a cellphone is still a matter of parental discretion. The situation becomes more complex when the parents are no longer married, as happens after a divorce, or in this recent case, were never married. The daughter sent a disparaging text of her father’s girlfriend and children. The father took her cellphone away.


Now there is even an app for divorce

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Divorce on Monday, February 1, 2016. Technology has had an impact on divorce in this country. Cellphones, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook have already played roles in divorce cases. Errant spouses may use the phones to plan illicit meetings while their spouses may use them to track those meetings. Divorcing couples may post pictures on Facebook or rants on Twitter that may come back in unfortunate ways as evidence in a divorce hearing. Ill-thought out photos showing lavish spending made with a cellphone may make it difficult for a spouse to claim poverty during a property


Do you & your co-parent have consistent media rules for the kids?

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Child Custody on Thursday, January 28, 2016. More and more often, courts in Missouri are attempting to award joint child custody when it is possible and reasonable to do so. Even if former spouses have trouble getting along, it is often in the children’s best interest to maintain a relationship with both parents. This, of course, can lead to some co-parenting headaches. In today’s post, we’d like to discuss one issue that you might face if you share custody with your ex. That issue is how to manage your children’s access to media and electronic devices


Do you need a child support modification?

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Child Support on Friday, January 22, 2016. Child support payments are often a contentious subject for many couples involved in a divorce with children. While the amount of the child support payment is mechanical, in that the Missouri legislature has created a formula and there is a table that indicates the amount of support owed for a specific gross income. But that table is only part of the discussion, and income of both parents, the property they own and type of parenting plan they have will affect the final amount ordered by the court. Once


Don’t ignore child support payment problems

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Child Support on Friday, January 22, 2016. Child support payments are unlike other types of family legal issues in that they are not resolved with a onetime agreement or transaction. Orders for child support can be in place for years or decades, making it very possible for changes and disputes to arise over time and upset a current arrangement. However, whether a child support plan has been in place for a week or a decade, you need to understand the importance of sticking to the court-approved terms and fulfilling your parental obligations. Failure to do


With a divorce, “where” and “when” matters

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Divorce on Wednesday, January 20, 2016. When a couple divorces, they may have a great many things on their mind. Bitterness, frustration or other emotional upset over the ending of their marriage. Financial worries, with concerns over what their economic condition will look like after the divorce. If they have children, the details of their child custody arrangements, if they will receive or pay child support and how to deal with separate households with their kids. One thing most people probably don’t consider is where the proceedings for their marriage dissolution may take place. For many people


Prenuptial Agreements Line by Line

Aspatore Books from Thomson Reuters Westlaw

Strategies For Family Law Illinois

Aspatore Books from Thomson Reuters Westlaw

Strategies For Military Family Law

Aspatore Books from Thomson Reuters Westlaw

Protect Yourself By Understanding Your Options and Knowing Your Rights



Stange Law Firm, PC

120 S. Central Avenue, Suite 450

St. Louis (Clayton), Missouri 63105

Toll Free: 855-805-0595 Fax: 314-963-9191


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