
NBA player Kris Humphries left by wife after 72 days of marriage

After just 72 days of marriage, Kim Kardashian filed for divorce from NBA player husband Kris Humphries. She claims that even though the marriage was short, her reasons for marrying in the first place were legitimate. However, after less than three months of marriage she realized the relationship was just not going to work out.

In response to the news that Kardashian filed for divorce, Humphries responded that he is devastated and loves his wife.

When looking at the entire relationship, marriage and divorce filing, at least one legal expert claims that the couple never even really had a chance, as they were barely dating when the two got engaged. Then, instead of focusing on their relationship, all of their time and energy went into planning their $10 million wedding, which was a two-part special aired on the E! channel.

The two-part special aired just two weeks before Kardashian announced the divorce filing. However, that special reportedly netted the couple quite a bit of money, which has some wondering what will now happen to the funds from the wedding special since the two are splitting? Will Kardashian walk away with more? Or will Humphries end up with a large sum of money? And what about all of the gifts they two received?

And while nothing is 100 percent known for sure, one expert in divorce law points to the fact that the couple did have a prenuptial agreement, which most likely specifically covered how the assets from the televised over-the-top wedding would be split.

In terms of the gifts, one wedding planner said the right thing to do would be to either return them, or give them to charity.

Additionally, since the two were only briefly married, and neither spouse was financially providing for the other, most speculate that spousal support will not be in an issue in this divorce.

Source: USA Today, “Kim Kardashian’s divorce won’t tarnish her brand,” Maria Puente, Nov. 1, 2011

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