
Father involvement important to well being of daughters

The importance of a father’s involvement in their children’s life now appears to be indisputable. A recent study even revealed that there is a connection between a young girl’s depression and separation from her father.

It must be emphasized that such separations are often not the fault of the father. A predictor in the father’s ability to relate well with her daughter can be dependent upon the actions of the mother. The chances of a poor relationship between father and daughter can be facilitated by a mother’s interference in that relationship. As one doctor writes: “Mothers who feel wronged in the marriage or divorce, who believe that mothers are more important than fathers, or who have psychological problems may directly or indirectly interfere with the father’s desire to have an ongoing relationship with his children.”

A daughter’s having a healthy relationship with their father following a divorce is, of course, possible. Parents that worked together in a non-adversarial approach to the raising of their children seemed to have also raised happier children overall. This would include more equal visitation time and parents remaining civil towards each other.

A more collaborative approach to a divorce can be very helpful. Attorneys can work with both parents to make certain that the needs of all parties are met.

In Missouri courts, the presumption is that joint custody should be the norm concerning the visitation and raising of the children, and sole custody will only be awarded under circumstances where joint custody may result in somehow injuring the children. Joint custody means that the parents share as equally as possible the custody of their children.

Source: Huffington Post, “The Father-Daughter Bond: A Dress Rehearsal for Life,” by Terry Gaspard, May 23, 2013

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