When the parents of a child are not married, they must establish the paternity of their child. This process ensures both parents have equal parental rights and obligations. Each method for determining paternity relies largely on the cooperation of each parent. The voluntary process may be straightforward, but it becomes more complex if either parent objects. A multi-state paternity attorney can help you secure your rights as a father.

No matter your circumstances, the support of a family law attorney who understands the process of establishing paternity is important if you are involved in a contested paternity case. An attorney can help you protect your rights and begin the process of building a strong relationship with your child.

Benefits of Establishing Paternity for Fathers

There are numerous legal and personal benefits for parents when they establish paternity. Parents are able to secure numerous rights and responsibilities for their children, including:

  • Decision Making: Both parents have the same rights to make decisions about their children and their upbringing, including their religion, medical care, and education.
  • Notification: Parents will be notified by the court of certain proceedings involving their children, including adoption, juvenile proceedings, custody hearings, and termination of parental rights.
  • Birth Certificate: Parents have the right to be listed on their child’s birth certificate.
  • Separation Rights: If parents separate or divorce, establishing paternity means both parents have the same right to request custody, visitation, and child support.
  • Information Access: Both parents will have the right to access informant records and information about their child.

Through these rights, there are also many personal benefits for fathers, including:

  • Bringing them closer to their children and their family
  • Allowing them to spend time with their children
  • Creating stronger and more lasting relationships between children and extended families

This connection is important for parents and children alike and can have a significant impact on their lives.

Benefits of Establishing Paternity for Children

Fathers should consider the many benefits for children if they choose to establish paternity. Children can benefit from established paternity on a personal, financial, emotional, and legal level. These benefits can often include:

  • Financial Support: Children have the right to receive financial support from both of their parents. By establishing paternity, parents are often able to provide more support for their children.
  • Financial Benefits: After paternity is established, children can receive benefits from their parents. This includes healthcare, military, Social Security, life insurance, and workers’ compensation benefits. It also includes eligibility for tribal affiliation.
  • Inheritance Rights: Children will be able to legally inherit from both of their parents, which is not always possible for unmarried fathers.
  • Sense of Identity and Belonging: Establishing paternity allows children to have a better sense of their own identity, contributing to their mental and emotional health. They often feel a stronger sense of belonging and stability and can connect to more members of their family. The love and support of both of their parents is important for a child.
  • Access to Medical History: Establishing paternity also allows a child to access the medical history from both sides of their family. This can help children become more aware of potential risks of genetic and inherited conditions and diseases.

Parents can establish paternity for a child voluntarily or through the court. In some cases, the state can begin an action to establish paternity without the action of either parent. This is because the financial and personal benefits for children are held as the priority.


Q: What Are the Benefits for a Father Once He Establishes Paternity?

A: There are many benefits for a father once he establishes paternity, including:

  • The right to spend time with their child
  • The right to request custody and visitation
  • The right to make important decisions for their child
  • The right to know about important cases regarding their child, such as adoption or termination of parental rights

There are also many personal benefits for fathers, as establishing paternity can allow them to spend more meaningful time with their children.

Q: What Is the Time Limit for a Father to Establish Paternity in Missouri?

A: In Missouri, a father has until the child turns 18 to establish paternity if there is only one legal and biological parent of a child. This same time period applies to the other parent, the state, and the child. If there is another presumed parent, then more complicated steps are required, including the denial of paternity by the other presumed parent. An attorney can help you review your options.

Q: What Is the Presumption of Paternity in Kansas?

A: The presumption of paternity in Kansas refers to when parents are married and have a child, and it is assumed they are both the legal and biological parents. Someone is also the presumed parent of a child if:

  1. The child was born within 300 days following an annulment or divorce
  2. They are under court order to provide support for the child
  3. They recognize paternity
  4. Genetic testing shows a likely match of parentage

Q: What Rights Does a Father Have if He Is on the Birth Certificate in Nebraska?

A: In Nebraska, a father is only put on a birth certificate if both he and the other parent consent to his name being on the certificate. For a father to have the same parental rights, he must establish paternity. His name can also be on the birth certificate if he establishes paternity.

Parental rights come from establishing paternity through an affidavit or the court and are not the direct result of being on the birth certificate. If paternity is established, a father has the same parental rights as any other legal, biological parent.

Hire a Skilled Paternity Lawyer From Stange Law Firm

Establishing paternity can be simple for some families and a complex legal process for others. In the case of a complex process, you need the right legal support to help you secure your parental rights. At Stange Law Firm, we help fathers protect their rights to provide for and support their children. Contact our team today and let us

help you.