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Some Missouri fathers question where child support money goes

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Child Support on Monday, August 19, 2013. A common complaint among fathers in Missouri who are paying child support is that while they are handing over a large percentage of their income every month to their ex-wives, they are still not sure how their money is being spent and if it is even going to the children. Some fear that instead of new clothes for the children, their ex-wives are getting new clothes for themselves with the child support money. Granted, while these feelings can come on quite naturally — and in some cases even


Need for paternity tests on the rise across the U.S.

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Fathers’ Rights on Saturday, August 17, 2013. It is a typical business day with people lined the city streets on their lunch break. Suddenly an RV comes driving past with “Who’s Your Daddy?” written on the side. While for some this question may mean nothing, for some fathers it instantly raises questions regarding paternity. Right now in Missouri there is no such RV, but there are in some other cities where testing can be done right on the spot. With the demand for paternity tests growing, more services such as this one could end up cropping up


Study: Only children have higher divorce rate

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Divorce on Thursday, August 15, 2013. A recent study looked at the divorce rate among those with siblings and those who grew up as only children. The study found those without siblings to have a higher divorce rate. However, readers are being reminded that while this is certainly an interesting idea, there are many factors that lead to divorce and being an only child may not really play a role. The study analyzed data from 57,061 adults. This data was collected between 1972 and 2012. From here it was found that those with siblings are less likely


Does technology make infidelity easier?

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Divorce on Wednesday, August 7, 2013. At this point, almost every Missouri resident has no doubt heard about the sexting scandal involving former U.S. congressman Anthony Weiner. This is the second time there has been a sexting scandal involving Weiner. The first one led to his resignation as a congressman in 2011. This more recent scandal broke after Weiner announced plans to run for mayor. In response to the public outcry over the scandal, one marriage counselor recently gave his take on the entire incident and looked at the role texting and social media are


Home renovation stress leads some to separation or divorce

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Divorce on Monday, August 5, 2013. Home renovations can increase the value of a home and make the space more enjoyable to live in. For some couples in Missouri, a home renovation can mean finally remodeling the second-story bathroom, while for others it is putting in the new cabinets and creating a dream kitchen. However, while these projects are supposed to be positives, when it comes to relationships, there can be some real negatives. Anyone who has gone through the process of a home renovation will agree that a good deal of stress can come


Missouri fathers: Do not just settle during divorce

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Divorce on Wednesday, July 31, 2013. With divorce being such a stressful process there is always the urge to just agree to anything in order to just to get the process over and done with. However, making rash decisions or just always going with the flow can lead to consequences that a Missouri father may regret later on down the road. Recently, an article titled “The 5 Worst Mistakes People Make During Divorce,” was published on the Huffington Post. This article provided valuable advice for any Missouri father that is going through a divorce. The first


Prenuptial Agreements Line by Line

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Aspatore Books from Thomson Reuters Westlaw

Strategies For Military Family Law

Aspatore Books from Thomson Reuters Westlaw

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Stange Law Firm, PC

120 S. Central Avenue, Suite 450

St. Louis (Clayton), Missouri 63105

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