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Don’t let your midlife divorce become a midlife crisis: Part I

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Divorce on Tuesday, September 30, 2014. Divorce at any age is difficult, and the primary challenges of divorce depend somewhat on how old you are and what stage of life you are in. Getting divorced when you are young can be difficult because you may not be very well established financially. Divorcing when you have young children at home also adds the pressures of a child custody battle. But getting divorced in midlife or later can also be challenging in different ways. In this week’s posts, we’ll discuss some behaviors to avoid as you contemplate


Is a prenuptial agreement in your future? How to have ‘the talk’

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Divorce on Thursday, September 25, 2014. If you’re getting married and are old enough to have acquired any personal assets – which is basically anyone in their mid-20s and beyond – chances are good that a prenuptial agreement would be right for you. These documents are no longer considered just for the wealthy, and more couples are using prenuptial agreements because -statistically speaking – divorce is a significant possibility. That being said, prenuptial agreements can be a sensitive subject to broach with your betrothed. No one likes to think about getting divorced before they even get married.


FBI and airline work together to stop custody-related abduction

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Child Custody on Tuesday, September 23, 2014. We have previously written about the serious problem of child custody-related international abductions. There have been dozens of cases in recent years of parents who flee the country with their children in violation of a child custody order. Sometimes they flee before child custody can ever be decided. The problem, while somewhat rare, often results in heartbreak for the children taken and for the parent left behind. Thankfully, one recent case ended safely before the fleeing parent could set foot on foreign soil. And it couldn’t have happened


Study links family income to divorce’s impact on children

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Divorce on Friday, September 19, 2014. Divorce, which was once stigmatized, is now a common phenomenon in America. Because of this, sociologists and other researchers have been able to study the effects of divorce on individuals, families and children. In many cases, the results of these studies have provided surprising insights. That being said, no single study is definitive or predictive of individual experiences. You may wish to keep that in mind as we discuss the results of a study suggesting that parental separation or divorce has a significant impact on children, but only on children from


Stange Law Firm’s Unmarried Fathers’ and Fathers’ To Be Seminar 2014

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Fathers’ Rights on Wednesday, September 17, 2014. Stange Law Firm, PC will host Unmarried Fathers’ and Fathers’ To Be Seminar on October 15, 2014 and October 16, 2014. This free event will be held at Pitchers Sports Pub and Pizzeria at 7pm in Belleville, Illinois on October 15th, 2014 and at Fandango’s Sports Bar and Grill in St. Louis, Missouri at 7pm on October 16th, 2014. This event is made for men who have had a child or are expecting a child out-of-wedlock. It will provide information for these men on the following subjects: The


NFL domestic violence scandal puts focus on a common tragedy

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Divorce on Wednesday, September 17, 2014. The issue of domestic violence has filled news headlines recently, with professional football players inspiring much of the discussion. Many players in the National Football League have been accused of spousal abuse over the years, but few cases have been as public or as shocking as the one involving Ray Rice of the Baltimore Ravens. Security video from a casino elevator shows Rice punching his fiancé and knocking her unconscious. He can then be seen dragging her out of the elevator. An equally controversial case involves Minnesota Viking Adrian Peterson, who


Prenuptial Agreements Line by Line

Aspatore Books from Thomson Reuters Westlaw

Strategies For Family Law Illinois

Aspatore Books from Thomson Reuters Westlaw

Strategies For Military Family Law

Aspatore Books from Thomson Reuters Westlaw

Protect Yourself By Understanding Your Options and Knowing Your Rights



Stange Law Firm, PC

120 S. Central Avenue, Suite 450

St. Louis (Clayton), Missouri 63105

Toll Free: 855-805-0595 Fax: 314-963-9191


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