
Playing sports strengthens father-daughter bond

Studies have shown how important it is for daughters to have close relationships with their fathers. In fact, one study published in the journal Development and Psychology found that those girls who grow up with a lower quality of fatherhood in their lives tend to take more dangerous risks during their adolescent years. This is yet just one of the reasons that fathers need to make sure to have an active role in their children’s lives, even after a divorce.

Another study recently found that when it comes to establishing and maintaining the father-daughter bond, playing sports together was one activity highly cited as a turning point for fathers and daughters. Whether it was a father coaching his daughter’s softball team, or the two just throwing a ball back-and-forth, it strengthened their bond and helped with communication.

The study also looked at other activities and events that strengthened the father-daughter bond and found that teaching a daughter how to drive and completing household projects together also helped bring a dad and daughter closer. In terms of events, marriage and taking vacations together also topped the list.

What this means for the average Missouri father is that time with children is important, especially after a divorce. Too often, fathers believe that once the divorce is finalized, their role as parent will be limited or erased all together. However, this is not the way it should be. Rather, a father should have legal representation on his side to fight for his rights as a father, especially when reaching custody and visitation agreements.

Source:, “Playing sports helps fathers bond with daughters: study,” Feb. 21, 2013

  • Our firm understands the importance of a father being in his children’s lives. To learn more, visit our St. Louis fathers’ rights page.

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